Saturday, August 31, 2013

Let Me Introduce Myself

My name is Emma Hunko-Haynack, and I come from the heart of the United States, Ohio. I have lived in other places, but that was when I was a baby and all I remember are weird blurbs of events of those far away places so for all intents and purposes I am an Ohioan, and proud of it.

It is common for me to clam up when I am meant to describe myself in any way shape or form, and I feel it is because describing yourself is one of the hardest things to do. So for the sake of me getting to the point and to stop all of my rambling I am going to be as systematic about this as possible.

As I said, I am from Ohio, more specifically Copley, Ohio. This is a small township near Akron, Ohio where suburbia is at an all time high and all anyone can do is try their best to ward off any visions of becoming a rap artist, which I successfully did, but so many of my peers in high school fell victim too.

I grew up in a very different type of household. My parents raised my older sister and I on organic food, both locally grown and from our garden, and National Public Radio (NPR). They also invested in sending my sister and I to a Waldorf School, where I went from kindergarten to eighth grade. My mother is a Waldorf teacher, and taught at the same school that I attended. A lot of my grade school education has influenced my habits, and learning techniques, and I am very happy with the skill sets I acquired through Waldorf education. If you are interested in what Waldorf education is, I will post a link to a great website that gives you an idea about what type of teaching is done at a Waldorf school at the end of this blog post.

My personality has always verged on Type A. I am punctual, detail oriented, and a rule follower. I have been described as an introvert but I like to consider myself a shy extrovert. I am very talented at being really, honestly, passionate about a certain topic or subject matter for a brief period of time before switching to another object/topic. I blame it on my general curiosity about life and my tendency to be indecisive. This tendency has resulted in me transferring to Ohio State from a small school in M*chig@n, changing my major four times, and has continually resulted in just a general high level of anxiety in my day-to-day.

To conclude: I am a junior at The Ohio State University, a proud owner of her of Netflix account, and a Sociology major. You can find me working at the Administrative Suite in the Ohio Union (Buck ID is on the third floor, one suite over) or laying in my bed cultivating my imminent Internet fame. I think the most important aspects anyone should know about me is that I love to help, I am extremely fascinated by humans and their societies, and I am allergic to peanuts.

Thank you for reading! I will be here all Semester. *drops mic and walks away*


August 2013

Link for Waldorf Education:

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