Saturday, September 21, 2013

Excuse Me, Your True Colors Are Showing: A Reflection

I have always had very strong personality traits, so when I was scored as a Gold for my true color and received a ISFJ, I read the descriptions and could not find a single aspect that I did not identify with. My love of lists, structure, routine, and order have always been a large part of my life. This is an example of the running "To-Do List" that I keep everyday.
Now before you all think all I care about is structure, I would like to say that I am also very dedicated to my relationships. I am very close to my family, both immediate and extended. I have a few strong friendships, while I do have acquaintances, who I enjoy and love to see, I very much lean towards the long lasting friendships. I have been really close friends with my current roommate, Anne, for six years. We have lived with one another for two years and were only separated for nine months in the past six years. We have built a very strong friendship through communications and she will be the first to say that I have mother-like tendencies, and have a high level of expectations for my friends because I hope they hold the same expectations for me. Here is a picture of her and I just so you all can see how much we are obsessed with one another (she loves me, I promise I don't force her to hangout with me).
Another important aspect is my interest in my family history. I am always interested in hearing what my family history is. I have recored my grandparent's stories, and have constantly inquired about my heritage (predominantly russian and eastern european).When my grandmother passed away in June, I was comforted by the stories people told about her and the pictures she left me.
Here is my grandmother at the age of 16, she is a ham.

When I told Anne about the characteristics of a Gold and a an ISFJ she laughed and said, "God that's so you, lame but fun at the same time". While her summary of my characteristics is a bit crass, I like to think that having the knowledge of my strong and weak character traits gives me the ability to better self-reflect and lead. Knowing my pet-peeves and how others might perceive my characteristics is helpful because I can now see how and why some people might get frustrated with me or I with them. I just have to keep in mind that I can and sometimes will have to adjust everyday, and that does not seem so bad if you ask me!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Some Quality Self-reflection

As a white, straight, female from the upper class, I always have to take a minute to think about how my personality and learning experiences are shaped by these life qualities. I have never gone hungry, I have never experienced violence or hate against my sexual orientation, religion, or race. My experiences with theses forms of hate are from secondary sources, and I am so fortunate to not have experienced such hate.
The most influential factor in my life has been my schooling. In my years at a waldorf school I learned cultural sensitivity, acceptance, about religions (Judaism, Catholicism, Islam, Protestant, etc.), I learned how there is more than one way to have a family, and an appreciation for hard work.

The next two factors that influenced my personality are my birth order and gender. I am the second born, I have one older sister, who is loud, demanding, and at times, a little scary. She helped me learn how to speak up for myself, be my own advocate, and self-reflection. She is very good at calling me out on my bull-shit. My gender has influenced me because my mother raised my sister and I as feminists who deserve equality, and cannot be confined to societal stereotypes.

I want to share a verse that we used to say in my elementary school days that I feel illustrates a lot of the core influences that I have built my personality and learning on throughout the years.

This is our school let peace dwell here, 
let the rooms be filled with contentment, 
let love abide here, 
love for one another, 
love of mankind, 
love of life itself, 
and love of God. 
For as many hands built a house, 
so many hearts make a school. 

It is cliche to say this, but life is very much one giant learning experience. It is essentially a school in my eyes. I hope to continue to learn and grow and apply this verse to my everyday life.

Personal Mission Statement
To embrace the constant changes in life and think of them as an opportunity to adjust. I promise to be kind to my self and to others, and to be more conscious of how often I judge others. I will use all of the talents I have learned to help others, and to spread positivity even when I do not feel positive. I will remember to be genuine, because I want others to do the same when they are with me. I will take one large dose of perspective each morning before I go out because that will keep me grounded and in the present. I will not worry about the future as long as I continue to work hard and chose the choices that I feel are the right choices.

My Four Letters

Introvert (11%)
Sensing (12%)
Feeling (25%)
Judging (56%)

I was not surprised one bit by my letter and I became aware of how they are ON POINT. I was reading a bit about how ISFJ have a "need to be needed", that is very much what I feel all the time. I also have close relationships and a fear of confrontation, and a desire for order. I felt good because I already knew a lot about my personality traits before doing this quiz but I was surprised about how close I was to being an extrovert and an intuitor. I figured I was a much stronger introvert, but I feel like this means I have a nice balance between the two.

Welp, off to watch some TV and cry about how Teen Wolf won't be on until 2014!


Saturday, September 7, 2013

Leadership Lens Project

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to present to you a politician who has shaped my leadership lens, and redefined what it means to be a public servant. Because of the time constraints on our presentations for Tuesday, I was unable to give my subject the proper amount of recognition, but I will take a minute to do so here. Please play this song while reading the articles:

Name: Cory Booker
Occupation: Mayor of Newark, New Jersey. Senate hopeful for 2014.
Most known for:
-Running into burning buildings to save his constituents:
-Participating in the SNAP Challenge:
-Housing and bringing aid to the people of Newark during hurricane Sandy:
-Being the most perfect potential boyfriend:

I could go one forever guys, I really admire this man. He has shown that an important part of leading his being a helping hand, and an open ear for people to talk to. He takes the time to practice leadership and lead by example. If you have a minute, follow him on the Twitter dot com and witness excellent leadership skills in action every single day. I encourage you all to look him up on the Internet, and see what he has been and will be up to.

Here is a link to my brief presentation that I will be giving on Tuesday, there is an interview he gave on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon that I will be showing a small clip from but feel free to watch the whole thing and fall victim to this man's charm and greatness.

Until next time!
