Sunday, September 15, 2013

Some Quality Self-reflection

As a white, straight, female from the upper class, I always have to take a minute to think about how my personality and learning experiences are shaped by these life qualities. I have never gone hungry, I have never experienced violence or hate against my sexual orientation, religion, or race. My experiences with theses forms of hate are from secondary sources, and I am so fortunate to not have experienced such hate.
The most influential factor in my life has been my schooling. In my years at a waldorf school I learned cultural sensitivity, acceptance, about religions (Judaism, Catholicism, Islam, Protestant, etc.), I learned how there is more than one way to have a family, and an appreciation for hard work.

The next two factors that influenced my personality are my birth order and gender. I am the second born, I have one older sister, who is loud, demanding, and at times, a little scary. She helped me learn how to speak up for myself, be my own advocate, and self-reflection. She is very good at calling me out on my bull-shit. My gender has influenced me because my mother raised my sister and I as feminists who deserve equality, and cannot be confined to societal stereotypes.

I want to share a verse that we used to say in my elementary school days that I feel illustrates a lot of the core influences that I have built my personality and learning on throughout the years.

This is our school let peace dwell here, 
let the rooms be filled with contentment, 
let love abide here, 
love for one another, 
love of mankind, 
love of life itself, 
and love of God. 
For as many hands built a house, 
so many hearts make a school. 

It is cliche to say this, but life is very much one giant learning experience. It is essentially a school in my eyes. I hope to continue to learn and grow and apply this verse to my everyday life.

Personal Mission Statement
To embrace the constant changes in life and think of them as an opportunity to adjust. I promise to be kind to my self and to others, and to be more conscious of how often I judge others. I will use all of the talents I have learned to help others, and to spread positivity even when I do not feel positive. I will remember to be genuine, because I want others to do the same when they are with me. I will take one large dose of perspective each morning before I go out because that will keep me grounded and in the present. I will not worry about the future as long as I continue to work hard and chose the choices that I feel are the right choices.

My Four Letters

Introvert (11%)
Sensing (12%)
Feeling (25%)
Judging (56%)

I was not surprised one bit by my letter and I became aware of how they are ON POINT. I was reading a bit about how ISFJ have a "need to be needed", that is very much what I feel all the time. I also have close relationships and a fear of confrontation, and a desire for order. I felt good because I already knew a lot about my personality traits before doing this quiz but I was surprised about how close I was to being an extrovert and an intuitor. I figured I was a much stronger introvert, but I feel like this means I have a nice balance between the two.

Welp, off to watch some TV and cry about how Teen Wolf won't be on until 2014!


1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading your blog! You are a great writer. Your writing style made me feel as if I experienced everything along side of you and knew exactly where you were coming from. I am really glad you posted the "quote" from your school. Can you imagine what would the world would be like if every person honored it and followed it? There would be no hatred, racism, or war. Your perspective on life, from what i can tell from your influences and mission statement, is positive, uplifting, optimistic, and strong.

    Thank you so much for sharing your story! It was inspirational in the fact that every word in this post was relatable as well as attainable. I feel as if you took this assignment to heart and I appreciate that. Even though we have known each other for a while I feel like I just learned so much about you and who you truly are! Thanks again and keep being wonderful you!
