Saturday, September 7, 2013

Leadership Lens Project

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to present to you a politician who has shaped my leadership lens, and redefined what it means to be a public servant. Because of the time constraints on our presentations for Tuesday, I was unable to give my subject the proper amount of recognition, but I will take a minute to do so here. Please play this song while reading the articles:

Name: Cory Booker
Occupation: Mayor of Newark, New Jersey. Senate hopeful for 2014.
Most known for:
-Running into burning buildings to save his constituents:
-Participating in the SNAP Challenge:
-Housing and bringing aid to the people of Newark during hurricane Sandy:
-Being the most perfect potential boyfriend:

I could go one forever guys, I really admire this man. He has shown that an important part of leading his being a helping hand, and an open ear for people to talk to. He takes the time to practice leadership and lead by example. If you have a minute, follow him on the Twitter dot com and witness excellent leadership skills in action every single day. I encourage you all to look him up on the Internet, and see what he has been and will be up to.

Here is a link to my brief presentation that I will be giving on Tuesday, there is an interview he gave on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon that I will be showing a small clip from but feel free to watch the whole thing and fall victim to this man's charm and greatness.

Until next time!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Emma! I'm so glad you chose to highlight Cory Booker in your presentation. As a native New Jerseyian, I am so proud of the things that Booker has been able to do in my home state. I first realized what a wonderful human Mr. Booker was when he was applauded for his work for animal rights. As a cause that is near and dear to my heart, I was especially grateful that someone in a position of power was willing to take on the issue of animal welfare and make a stand for those who have no voices. I think it is especially hard for people to be aware of the plight of animals, and for a politician it can be risky, as the animal-welfare platforms may not guarantee a lot of votes or supporters the way some other issues will. I admired him for taking that chance anyway! Great job choosing an awesome person!
